Monday, April 13, 2009

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), a Photo Journal...

A pictorial look at the show I just directed, as promised. Enjoy! (Our photographer hasn't retouched any of these, so there will be some that are dark etc - don't complain, at least you get to see them, right?!) :D

This is Francheska - she was the dummy in the show, and played the roles of: Beaten up Samson, Random Football player (as a part of the "pile up on the field"), and the Dead Ophelia.

Lexi and Jasper - "These teeth...cry out floss me!"

This painting was hanging on the wall in the pub, so we decided to make him into "William Shakespeare." We referenced him several times throughout the show, to the extreme merriment of the audience as this gentleman looks absolutely NOTHING like William Shakespeare! He, he!

Titus Andronicus as a cooking show: "Roman Meals!"

"You make a nice clean incision from Carotid Artery to Jugular Vein, like so!"

Romeo & Juliet Prologue - "civil blood makes civil hands unclean!"

"Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?"


After running himself "through" with Romeo's blade, Tybalt laments: "Oh, I am slain!"

Juliet at the ball - dancing to "Dancing Queen"

Juliet's Nurse - a la Fran Drescher

"Here in this manly...(pop) in this manly breast." We used balloons so he could pop them for this line with his cigi rigged with a needle!

The Balcony Scene!

"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks..."

"Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear!" This painting is a part of the wall in the pub, and we used it as the moon!

The Othello Rap ("She was pure she was clean, she was viginal too!"...)

"Three sets of identical twins" - A line from the comedies section. (They condense all 16 of Shakespeare's comedies into one play entitled: "The Comedy of Two Well Measured Gentlemen Lost in The Merry Wives of Venice on a Midsummer's Twelfth Night in Winter," OR "Cymbeline Taming Perecles The Merchant in The Tempest of Love as Much as You Like it For Nothing," OR "The Love Boat Goes to Verona!")

Macbeth: "Stay, ye imperfect macspeaker, mactell me macmore!" (Yes, there were ridiculous Scottish accents!)

McB leans on her sword while the witch tells her of Birnam Wood etc...

"Behold where lies the usurper's cursed head!"

Jeff and Jasper as Julius Caesar and the Soothsayer!

Cleopatra: "Is that an asp I see before me?"

Lexi tells Jasper that the character of Cressida has to feign indifference, to which he responds: "Whatever!"

The interpretive dance (to Troiles and Cressida!)

"This...has nothing to do with the Hulk!" Jasper, in an attempt at performance art brings out a stuffed bear, a walking robot, and the Incredible Hulk to war with one another as Lexi narrates the play - needless to say, her character doesn't take to that so well!

"Twenty-three, Forty-two, Henry the Fifth, Richard the Third, Part One, Two, Three, HUP!"

The Histories: "There's a pile up on the field.  FUMBLE!"  They play football with the crown representing the ball and the players being various kings killing one another off!

The cheer leaders after the football game!

For Uncle Wayne: You never thought that this joke would be used to illicit actual laughter did you?

Yes, the audience each night thought that the big reveal was absolutely hilarious!  Thanks for putting me though this so many times as a child - I never knew it would come in so handy as an adult! ;D

After intermission, when Lexi and Jasper "aren't back yet" Jeff has to do the sonnets, so he condenses them all down on to "this one circular beer mat" which he intends to pass around the audience letting everyone read, enjoy and pass on to the person next to them.  There are 154 sonnets, so, luckily for the audience, the missing two actors return before this can commence!



Bernardo and Horatio at the top of Hamlet.  As you can see, Jasper's character didn't want to do Hamlet!

The Ghost of Hamlet's father. Notice that the knife is "going through his head" and the blood is on his shoulder - we thought that was funny ;)

The Ghost's sign for the forward version of Hamlet.

The Ghost's sign for the backward version of Hamlet.

"Would the night were come"

The lights shift immediately to a blue wash ("night") and they act very cold "The air bites shrewdly, it is very cold"

Polonius - Jeff played him as an extremely old man with false teeth that he had to adjust, and who couldn't move more quickly than a shuffle and could not climb the one step to the platform without physically lifting his leg with his arms! We worked this into a very funny bit!

"To be, or not to be!"

The players - "Speak the Speech I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue."

Hamlet and Gertrude - "Mother, THOU hast my father much offended!"

Hamlet kills Polonius.

Hamlet licks the knife after killing Polonius.

Ophelia "drowning." Jasper would get water in his mouth, gargle violently, then fall to the ground, having "drowned."

Ophelia's funeral with Destiny's Child singing their very interesting version of Amazing Grace in the background.

Hamlet and Laertes fighting over the body of Ophelia (Francheska) as Gertrude looks on.

Yorick - "This skull had a tongue in it and could sing once - blaaaaahhhhhh!"

In the fast version of Hamlet (for those who don't know, there is a normal Hamlet, a fast Hamlet, a faster Hamlet, and a BACKWARDS Hamlet in this show - well worth the ticket price!)

Hamlet says: "It is I Omelet the Danish!" (as she eats a pastry - cheap joke, I know, but I only played into what was already scripted! ;)

"Remember we are trained professionals, do not try this at home. Yeah, (removes fake cut) go over to a friend's house!"

"The rest is silence" - just before Hamlet dies.

Hope you all enjoyed (and understood) that!  I know it's a crazy show to try and follow if you've never seen it!  Love and Hugs!

Be sure to look for upcoming photo journals including: "Springtime for Hamburg and Germany," and "Easter Weekend!"  Stay tuned!

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