Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Thang

Merry Christmas! :D OK, so I know it's been a while... I can't promise that I'll be starting back with regular blogging, BUT what I can promise is that this will be a blog like none you've read before!

Things have really picked up since the new year, and we've had loads to do! Because the time since my last post has really been filled with lots of working together with Sidonie, we decided to do a joint blog. There will be links throughout this post taking you to bits of the story told on Sidonie's blog: Our story begins right here:


So, we will begin with Christmas, since that's where we left off...


Merry belated Christmas to all of you! ;) Nothing like Christmas in March, right? Just in time to remind you of Christ's birth as you prepare to celebrate his death and resurrection!

Some friends came over on Christmas day to have fun and eat yummy food with us. Danny and Terry are both new to Germany from the States, and knowing exactly how they may be feeling, we decided to give them a traditional (at least for us) American Christmas morning!

We filled stockings and packages with lots of American food and snacks - the Ritz Crackers were a big hit!

Sidonie with one of her packages Christmas morning...

...and a bag...

...and me with a package...

...Wow, we seemed to have taken lots of pictures with packages this Christmas...

When Sidonie finally got in to one of her packages, she wasn't quite sure what the gift'll have to check on her blog to find out!


We hung out with another new friend a good bit around Christmas and New Year's (which was also his birthday.) Boise is from LA, and just came over in November to play Mufasa in The Lion King here!

We went to see his show and got a backstage tour! As many times as we'd seen the show, we'd never had a backstage tour - such beautiful props and costumes in this show!


After celebrating Boise's birthday, we got right down to business and began revising and rehearsing for our show, which you'll find here!


At the same time we were working on Head Over Heels, we were making revisions with Sidonie's agent to her one woman show, long in the making... Diva Lessons: Eine Lehrstunde für Diven (a study guide for divas)! Sidonie wrote, and I designed the show, and we had a blast working together on this fabulous project! We're going to be doing it again, fo sho!

The opening of the show, where Sidonie began as a gorgeous saaaaangin' silhouette.

It quickly became apparent, however, how very gorgeous this sangin' Diva silhouette really was!

This pic's a little dark, but can you guess who this practically perfect diva is?

Notice the Fa-habulous dress - I found it at a second-hand store here in Hamburg for...wait for it...20 euro! I had to take it in by several sizes, but it was just TOO perfect! Work it Hunny!

Throwin' some ABBA in the mix!

This song either came from Little Shop of Horrors or Wicked, what do you think? ;)

Finally, Sidonie performed the big number from the hit musical coming to Broadway soon: Sister Act. And she was, indeed, "Fabulous Baby!"

Hope you enjoyed our little adventure game, and do stay tuned, as we'll post more about the exciting things we've got coming up this summer and next year as soon as possible! Much love from both of us in Hamburg to wherever you may be :D


Edress said...

I LIKE!!! IT!!!!! Actually, I really want to say that I love it! :~) And I love both of you ~ which of course could go without saying, 'cause you already KNOW that!

Sarah M said...

I want to know how she did all the costume changes during her one woman show!!!

Christopher Ryan said...

We had a beautiful room divider on stage and she whisked behind it where her lovely assistant ;) was waiting to help her into the next look. She also had a mic back there and did narration as she was changing! Oh, the magic of the theatre:)

Laura :) said...

Hooray! Looks like a whole world of wonderful! I love it and I miss you guys!

Laura :)