Friday, January 16, 2009

New Years etc...

So, again, it's been a while since I've posted.  What can I say...I was busy (you'll find out why soon!)  I do, however have New Years pics for you as well as some exciting news on the job front, so read on!

German funnies: So, you know how we have abbreviations for states in the US?  Well, we have something similar here in Deutschland, only here the cities have abbreviations.  The abbreviation for Hamburg is quite humorous in fact, you might even call it "haha" funny!  Why, you ask?  Well, I'll be happy to share!  You see, in the German alphabet, the letter 'H' is pronounced "ha."  So, when you see any of the auto tags here in the city, they all begin with the abbreviation for the city - HH - HAHA~!

OK, so I know that's a little corny, but it's true!  

I have another one for you!  This is more about life than it is about life in Deutschland.  I was on the way home from work late in the evening on Wednesday, and I ended up sitting across the aisle on the bus from a man and a woman from Africa.  Now, all the Africans here speak "English" of one version or another (unless, of course, they've grown up here, in which case they might only speak German.)  These folks were middle-aged, and by their very thick accents, it was obvious that they were transplants here from a country in Africa where they learned a version of English.  It was foolish of them to assume that their very loud and boisterous "conversation" (it was really more of a discussion) in "English" could not be understood by ANY of the other 50 or so people on the triple-length bus!  I did, in fact, understand everything they were communicating (although I wished, several times during that trip home that I hadn't!)  I told Sidonie when I got home about the loud and obnoxious pair who were discussing thing that shouldn't be discussed in public in ANY language!  I thought that was the end of it...but NO!  

The next night (last night) I got on the bus and sat in a single seat (without another seat along side.)  Lo and behold, who should pass me but the same middle-aged African pair on their way further back in the bus.  I was at least relieved that they were not DIRECTLY across the aisle from me this time!  I was peacefully reading a book on the way home when I was interrupted by a cell phone ringing.  Now this was not any ordinary ringtone, no!  In fact it wasn't musical at all; it was in fact, a man's voice.  The voice (a fiery preacher) said: "In the name of JEEEEEZUZ!  All things work together for GUUUUUD..." whereupon I heard the all too-familiar voice of the African woman say: "Hello!"  I thought...hmmm...I wonder if I could download THAT ringtone for my phone!  It apparently has a couple different options because it rang a second time on the ten minute ride home from the train station, and this time it said: "In the name of JEEEEEZUZ!  Prosperity is MIIIIIIINE!"  Well, if nothing else, this story assures that I will NEVER discuss anything private on PUBLIC transportation (in ANY language!)

In other news: I didn't mention it previously because I only took a video (which won't load onto my computer,) ;( but Sidonie had an end of the semester performance in which she got to sing a few songs (all in german!)  I was so proud of her!  Here are a couple pics that a friend of her's took!

Sidonie at the beginning of "Ein Schritt Zu Weit" - "A Step Too Far" from Aida

Sid also sang a song from Jekyll and Hyde  in a group of girls - doesn't she look fierce?! 

So, here are some pics of our New Years Celebration.  We went over to our friends Betsi and Tim's house and had a wonderful time!

The Spread - we had "Raclett" which is like fondu except a grill - fun and tasty!

The Table - Pre-Meal!

Contrary to what Sidonie claims, there is EVIDENCE that I don't ALWAYS hold Lili ;)

Betina - Betsi for short - or Lili's Mom as we like to call her!

Tim - which is already short - or Lili's Dad, as we like to call him, and Lili, the star of the evening!

All ready to eat!  We brought Scalloped Potatoes and Brussel Sprouts to contribute to the feast! From L-R: Lili, Betsi, Nicol, Malte, Thore, Tim, and Sidonie!

Lili's chair - Because we sat at the end of the table, Lili got to sit by us!  We played the pick-up-my cup game all during the meal!  Boy can she scream!

After dinner treats!

The largest sparkler in the world!  They really do LOVE fire works over here!  They love them so much that you can hear explosions from your flat from about noon on the 31st till about midnight on the 1st - pretty much non-stop!  Exciting, eh?

Malte and I decided THIS is what the sparklers were really for!  Ah ha!

These things burned FOREVER! - you could write like, your whole family's names in the air!

When I finally heard over the explosions that Sidonie was trying to get my attention!

After sparklers, we danced to some good old 70s music (apparently an early Jan 1st tradition here!)  We also participated in another German tradition - we watched the British short "One for Dinner" - very funny!  Check it out on YouTube or something!

Lili and I danced the night away - well, at least until it was her bed time - we all had such a fun time with her, watching her enjoying the ribbons and candles and bread crusts!

Thore was holding Lili and Sid was making her laugh - so cute!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Can you tell who got the camera for the last part of the evening?  All pictures of me and none of Sid!  Ah well, at least I got some of her from earlier in the evening!)

As for the news on the job front, I've mentioned this news to some of you in telephone conversations, so if you want to skip to the next paragraph, that's OK! ;)  I was recruited just a bit before Christmas to choreograph a musical here in HH!  The show is Into The Woods (for those musical theatre friends out there, you know that this is one of my favorite shows by my favorite composer, and one I've never worked on, so it's a real pleasure!)  The company I'm choreographing for is the University Players (of the Hamburg University.)  The production is in English with about half the cast being English-first-language-speakers from the US, Canada, and the UK, and the other half being either Germans who speak English, or other Europeans with English language skills!  I've really enjoyed working on this show!  They've set it in a modern-day forest of the big city, NYC, and while none of the text has changed, the references are all modernized (those who know the show will understand.)  Choreographing the show has been a lot of fun!  (It has, however, been the reason for no more blogs since Christmas - I've been getting home between 10 and 12 at night - and that's before eating dinner!)  With Sid's late hours and my early teaching and late rehearsal hours, it has been trying, but it's been well worth it!  Not only have I gotten to immerse myself in theatre again, but I've been able to do so with a show I love!  What fun!  The show opens on Tuesday, so we're in tech this weekend!

My OTHER theatre news is that I just got invited to direct a professional production for the Rover Rep Theatre in HH!  This is a small Pub Theatre that does only English language theatre and casts only English-first-language actors.  The owner and producer of the Rep is an American friend I met doing Woods - she's playing the Witch!  I'm SO excited!  We're going to have auditions fairly soon, and get moving with a production of...drumroll, please...The Complet Works of Wllm Shkspr (abridged.)  Yes, that is how the title is spelled!  This is a farce that looks at all of Shakespeare's work in a VERY lighthearted and COMPLETELY hilarious way!  Woo-hoo!  Professional theatre work in Germany!  YAY!

Well, I'll write more soon! (hopefully soon ;)


Kelley said...

Wow, you guys are so busy! But it sounds like you're loving every minute.

I have to admit that more than once I've said some things in English assuming that only Jonathan could understand and then realized I was wrong. Ugh, I think I've learned my lesson though!

Laura :) said...

Sid needs to look out! Lili is adorable!!!

Glad you're having fun and so busy! Now get back here! :)