Friday, February 27, 2009

Random Updates...

I had my first time off in several weeks, so I thought I'd try to give a brief update of all that's been going on...

Into The Woods was a huge success - everyone thoroughly enjoyed it!  People especially enjoyed the Agonies - the princes were set up as pop icons, so I choreographed the Agonies as boy band numbers - everyone loved it!  The show ran for two weeks with excellent crowds despite the unusually snowy weather!

As for The Compleat Wrks of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged,) I had auditions, and had a fairly good turn out.  The producer wanted me to see some other  local actors, so she made some calls and others showed up to the call back the next day.  I ended up with a cast that I'm thrilled with!  There are actually two Germans in the cast - one who grew up around Americans and has an almost perfect American accent, and the other who sounds like he just stepped off the plane from London!  The third member of the cast is an American actor who has been in HH for almost 20 years now.  I ended up casting a woman in the role of Jess (for those who know the show) because she was just perfect for the part!  The producer and I were very excited after callbacks and had the same opinions about casting!  I've never directed in quite this capacity before - I'm used to being the producer of the show as well as the director, so through this process I've learned what things I can relegate to the producer and how we can work together to get the show up - it's been a wonderful experience.

I have, however, given up all free time to rehearse the show - I work for the English Language Institute Monday - Thursday mornings, and Tuesday through Thursday evenings.  I plan lessons during the day, and then Tuesday night (after teaching,) Friday night and all day Saturday and all afternoon and evening Sunday, we rehearse!  Friday morning is my only free time, and there are weeks (like the past couple) when I'm called in to work for ELI on Friday as well [not that I'm complaining, of course, since that means more money - thank the Lord!]

Taking a short rabbit trail (as you who read this regularly know I often do,) my Monday evenings are booked with another sort of lessons altogether.  I have started teaching voice for a couple students on Monday evenings.  I am teaching a young girl who's never taken lessons before (and who doesn't speak English, so her lessons are a mixture of German and motions for the anatomical words I don't yet know in German) as well as an adult.  It's been great fun to get back to voice teaching, and I'm seeing growth in both students already.  They are also enjoying the lessons - which is a big bonus.  I really love all teaching, but it's especially nice to teach something that is artistically fulfilling!

Back on track: we're approaching the final stretch of rehearsals now (we've finished blocking, and are now polishing things.)  The producer will be seeing our stumble through on Sunday evening, so we need to have everything polished before then!  I am thoroughly enjoying working on this show with this cast and Sidonie as my stage manager (she's off school this month, so we're getting to work together.)  It's really been great fun!  I'm very pleased with how the show is progressing, and there's a lot of excitement building in the community - the theatre is already selling out houses!  I was a little concerned about directing this from a Meisner approach for two reasons: firstly, nearly all the theatre here is heavily influenced by Brecht, so a naturalistic approach may likely be frowned upon; secondly, because this is a farce, and needs such precise timing, I wondered how Meisner's approach would marry with the text.  It has been a dream.  My actors are so collaborative and willing to try things, but by the same token, are able to set a bit with precision when it's needed!  It's also been a joy to have Sid there - not only so we'll get to actually see some of each other, but as a stage manager as well.  This is her first time, but she is doing a great job, and it's been wonderful to have her there!

Sorry for all this theatre-talk for all you non-theatre friends.  It's just that that's the biggest thing happening here right now!  There are, of course, other things going on too!

In other news: Sidonie is on her way home from the Ausländer Beruf (foreigner's office) with her Visa for the next year!  Woohoo!  We're both officially legal to be here for the next year!

As for prayer requests, you can pray about our housing situation.  We've had a problem with mold on an interior wall for the past couple months, and the landlord is trying to find a solution, but has been unable to do so, as of yet.  

Also, most of the furniture in the apartment belongs to RenĂ© (who used to live here.)  We were hoping to buy it from him so we wouldn't have to go looking for other pieces.  Unfortunately, the price he wants for the furniture (purchased two years ago from Ikea) is just more than we're able to pay, so he's in the process of moving things out so as to try selling them in the paper or online.  As of now, he's moved the bar and bar stools, the bookshelf, the sofa and coffee table.  He will be moving the entertainment center and TV/DVD player, the bed, end tables, and wardrobe.  This of course means that we need to move our things out of the furniture, and that we need to find new things.  Our friend Janin's parents (who go to our church) have offered an old TV of theirs, so that's taken care of, but we still need to find other things (esp. a bed and sofa of some sort - a dining table would also be nice.)  If you guys can pray with us that we'll find the things we need at reasonable prices, that would be great!  We were able to agree on a price for the washing machine, so that stays - we're very glad about that!

Sorry there aren't any pictures in this post - I promise I'll get some of the show when we've got all our costumes and props together!  I hope all of you are doing well.  We love and miss you all - please write and let us know how things are going there!  Big hugs!


Laura :) said...

Yay! Sounds like you guys are taking Germany by storm! Huzzah!

All's well here; rehearsing SWEENEY TODD with the Orlando Philharmonic which runs this weekend, then I DO! I DO starts rehearsing...and I have to learn how to play violin! What the...???

Other than that...not too much news! It's actually COLD here (53 degrees!). I know you have no pity for me, but hey, my blood is THIN!

Miss you guys!

Kelley said...

How cool that the two of you get to work together!