OK, so, as you can imagine, I have about a billion pictures to choose between to show you what's been going on in my life for the past two weeks as we've been on tour. I'll try to keep this short (ish!) (OK, since short didn't work, I've decided to just make this a two-parter! Keep your eyes peeled for part two!)
I do have to tell you a funny story before I forget it...I went to a church across the street today. It was all in Danish, so I only understood the words that sound like German or English (about half of them.) Interesting! My favorite part of the service (apart from getting to sing worship songs and have communion, of course) was the final song of the service. We sang, as a congregation, "This Little Light of Mine," in Danish (I sang in English.) And, to top it all off, we did the motions. Everyone. Including the old couple sitting beside me, and the minister in his robe and regalia! I loved it!
So, the tour: there are four of us actors, two guys, two gals. The guys are from the US, and the gals are from Scotland. The first week of tour we were in Germany near our rehearsal base in Soest. After that week we drove up to Copenhagen, Denmark! So, here are some show pictures (from week one when our director was traveling around with us.) I'll post pictures of our week in Denmark in part two!
My character in "The Weasel in the Sack," Me as the FAT brother, Marmaduke.
The brothers after having "lost" their sister whom they were planning to kill...
The brothers - in the sack! Tied up by the princess we had treated poorly her whole life as our "sister." When the children have to "tickle the sack" they tend to hit/pinch! :(
The second level play, "Future Perfect," in which I pay the main character: Jimmy Doramus. Jimmy is quite the slacker and nerd as a kid...
He imagines himself fighting crime as James Pond, and, yup, you guessed it: SUPERMAN! Yes, this is a rip away suit under which is the Superman costume. The first time we did this show (as the final invitation dress where the other tour casts were able to watch) the rip away worked a little too well - my red plastic underwear came off as well! Thankfully, they decided to put buttons instead of snaps which works much better!
By the end of the show, Jimmy becomes a rich and famous rap musician - yes, I have to rap! I also teach the kids the coffee grinder - great fun!
Tom in The Glass Menagerie "Sometimes they would turn all the lights out except for a large glass sphere that hung from the ceiling. It would turn slowly about and filter the dusk with delicate rainbow like colors."
Tom and Amanda (my mother is played by a woman who's 6 years my junior!) "What about Laura?"
Tom and Laura (This is when I come back after getting drunk and Laura comes to check on me.) "What are you doing?" "I'm looking for a door key!"
The cast of Glass Menagerie L-R: Michael (as Jim), Amy (as Amanda), Nichole (as Laura), and Me (As Tom!)
Our Glass Menagerie Set
Our trusty touring van!
This Little Light of Mine sung and acted out by the whole church ~ funny. You as the "fat" brother ~ funny. The red plastic pants story ~ very funny! I'm want the Paul Harvey version of that story!
Thanks for the stories, the photos, and the lines to go with photos, for us non-theater people.
Waiting for part two!
I'm guessing the coffee grinder is a dance. Am I right? Love you, Ma
Quite the character(s) you are. I enjoyed the pictures of the plays.
I'll mention the closing church song to Pastor Larry, although I'm not sure it'll catch on here in the States. Love you, Dad
I still don't know why my first comment never showed up!
ANYWAY, I'm so proud of you! Keep on letting your little light shine all over the place;). MORE PICTURES!!!
Ok, I would give just about anything to see you rap! Did anyone video this? I really want to see if they did :-)
Great pictures! It is so fun to see you acting. I don't think I've ever been able to see you act in person!
We'll be ready for round 2....
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